In 1984, the town of Camden, Maine proclaimed March 13th to be Robert L. Davee Day in recognition of his community service. Robert (known by friends and coworkers as Bob) is the majority owner of Maine Coast Construction.
When he received the award, Bob said it was “Absolutely a total surprise.”
Bob is a ’59 graduate of University of Maine, Orono with a degree in Mechanical Engineering as well as a ’69 graduate of the Worchester Polytechnical Institute School of Industrial Management. After working a number of years as an engineer in Ohio and Massachusetts, Bob became a partner with Dave Montgomery and Gilbert Laite of the Allen Development Corporation and together they founded L&M Construction in Camden, Maine in 1968. In 1969 he became President of L&M and renamed the business Maine Coast Construction, becoming the sole owner in 1995.
Bob served the Town of Camden, Maine as Selectman and Planning Board Chairman. During that time he wrote the first Zoning Ordinance, reorganized the Camden Snow Bowl, wrote and delivered the application to obtain Curtis Island through the Federal Parks and Recreation Commission, worked with Frank Sterns to obtain and install the sludge dewatering system at the sewerage treatment plant, and established the first Town appropriation for the improvement and development of the Opera House Building.
Bob also founded Mid Coast Children’s Services (an organization that provides early intervention and training for very young handicapped) with Davene Faye and served as the charter president for 15 years.
Bob has served as the President of the Camden Community Health Care Center, Vice-president of Northeast Health, President of Health Connections, and the President of Coastal Workshop.
Presently Bob is a board member of Coastal Opportunities and is one of the Sergeant at Arms in the Camden Rotary Club and a “Paul Harris Fellow”. In 2007, Bob served as the Lead Project Manager in the rebuild of the Camden Arch which was a collaborative effort between the Camden and West Bay Rotaries.
Having been such a huge part of the development of Camden’s present infrastructure, it is not a surprise that he was given this honorable recognition from the town. From the staff and crew at Maine Coast Construction; it is a pleasure and an honor to work for you Bob!